
Nostalgia and Racism

Racism... oh man. I could talk for hours on it. Does it still exists? Of course... but now more so against Middle Easterners and Hispanics. Are there still white supremacists out there? Oh God yes, much to the embarrassment of the nation. Here is my thing... we've had equal rights and all that fun stuff for how many years now? Yes, we are still 'weeding out' the last of the generations that remember racism at it's truest most hostile form, and by weeding out I mean waiting for them to die. What I don't understand is that there are people from MY generation that think we owe them something. They have no idea what it's like to protest and be sprayed down by a fire hose. They have no idea what it is like to have separate water fountains, bathrooms, and restaurants. Yet the 'white man' has still got them 'down'. I don't get it!!!
Where I'm from we don't have any issues with race or color. I have honestly never witnessed any problems with race or gender till I came to the south. Maybe being from the Midwest has something to do with it. I don't know. Now it's oh ... that man looks like he might be from Afghanistan... He's going to blow us all up!!!! Are you fucking kidding me? Just like the youth that walk and talk a certain way and dress a certain way are gang members with guns, people who wear turbans are suicide bombers... Now I live in an area heavily populated with Islamic and Muslim people. My mother was uncomfortable with the idea. I can honestly say these are some of the nicest most courteous people I have ever met.
I could play the 'race crad' and go to school for free, but that would almost feel like lying because I certainly don't look like the 1/8th creek indian that I am. Red hair, pale skin, and green eyes aren't a common trait among 'my people'. Do you honestly think I could walk onto a resevation and say 'how squanto'? You bet your damn ass I could, because I'm part of that. Just like african americans can say the "N"-word I can say, red skin or Apple or Casino-Owner because I'm one of them!!!! Racism is sooooooo 1940's, get with the times!! The world is warming up, the trash is piling higher and you're too busy trying not to be blown up by your next door neighbor. Hey he could be doing you a favor, that way yoyu don't have to be around when the economy crashes and we're all thrown back into the stoneage and the polar ice caps melt and we all die of solar radiation. It'll be a gas!


On a lighter note...
My brother used to watch this show called "ReBoot" when we were kids. I totally just had a nostalgic moment thinking about it so I googled it and got this ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeBBzPAqWbM

I just about shit a solid gold brick when I found it. Holy cow. I had such a CRUSH on Enzo. and Frisket was soooooooo adorable. Totally naming my next dog Frisket!! Anyway, thats all for today :)

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