

Life just takes off and leaves you in the dust sometimes. It's the strangest thing. One minute you're driving along and everything is fine, the next minute it's like a slap in the face as you're train of life starts chugging along and you better hop on before it really starts moving and passes you by. I've bee noticing that about my life lately. I kinda feel like it's all just whizzing by while I look out the window stunned at what is happening.

I can't believe it's been a week since I got here. I feel like it hasn't even been a whole day yet. Myabe thats just me wishing it's only been a short time. I've been struggling with homesickness lately. I find it very ironic that I was so looking foreward to getting out of my house and starting fresh somewhere new and exciting, but now I'm missing the familarity of anything. I spent an hour driving around yesterday looking for a walmart just to find something familiar to ground myself with.

I find myself dwelling in the past lately, which is something I hate doing because it is so depressing to wish for something that has gone and left to come back again. I find myself hoping to find myself in the safty net of the past. The security of people I know, people I thought I couldn't stand but apparently I will reach out to anything at this point. I know this is just a stage and that it's part of moving on, doesn't mean I don't wish it to be over as soon as possible. Life is funny, wish I could figure it out.

All is well though. I'm enjoying new surroundings and new people, it can be slightly overwhelming at times but as always I strive on to overcome my problems with overstimulation. I have comfort coming in a short few weeks, after that I'm sure things will rocket skyward!


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