

Ever just sat and watched? Ever thought about being watched? How people would look at your life from the outside. Odd as it many seem I love to make up stories of strangers lives that I see on the street. I enjoy seeing the odd passerby and make up names and bonds between that person and their family. Then I sometimes wonder how my life seems to others. Am I a wounded soul living alone in a glorious apartment surrounding myself with things instead of people, or am I a new-age hippie buying only organic foods riding a bike instead of driving a car with a dog named Gandhi that I go hiking with every weekend? Of course this could be one of my many oddities that I seem to be alone in having.

This leads me to think about celebrities. The most industrious market out there and all we want to do is stick our noses in and pry our way into some sort of strange bond with these people we idolize. I remember the first time that my mother told me we need to pray for that celebrity because rumors (later found to be false) were saying they had a drug problem. I was shocked that she cared so much, that she felt the need to connect on such a personal level with a rumor. All life ever is is rumors and lies, no one tells the truth anymore. People who do tell the truth are socially and mentaly crucified, tossed about in conversation as the fake liers everyone else knows they are.

All things come around to the same thing, we're curious creatures by nature, and that curiostiy will never be quenched no matter how many tabs we read, or how many hussed gossips we listen to. We're always looking to prove that someone else is living a more miserable life than we are.


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