
What the hell...

An eternal pit of blackness
A void filled by hate
Leaving nothing but misery
What the hell is happening?

Lacking control,
My lungs burn for the burst of air.

Always tired
Always pain
No one knows what it is like
Living in constant, persistant pain.
No drugs for treament.

Try to be perky
Back to faking.
Nothing is the answer.
Back to the old
was there ever a new?

What am I doing here.
Across the country for what?
Nothing aparently.
What I thought was here isn't.
No, I'm alone.
Wishing for a drop of poison,
something to show me the way out.

I don't want to be dropping down again
How can I stop it though?
How do I stop the spiral...
It's never ending.
Why don't you like me?
Why don't I like me?

What the hell am I doing here?


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