Beset as I am with noctournal desires, I turn to the outside world for destraction and hopfully sleep. Rather than watching pointless infomercials about the next miracle cure to foot fungus, I deposit my thoughts for an audience to critique. Whatever possesses those few who take the time to read the thoughts of a stranger, is beyond me. However they provide me with a platform, however small, to allow myself to be heard.
I have nothing against anything. We are our own and responsible therefore to humanity not to be complete failures. Don't waste my time trying to build yourself up. I take no offense and never mean to cause it. I'm brutaly honest. I sit here thinking about the fact people long to be right and are quick to thwart others in their way. Someone always has to be responsible for the distruction of man. Of course we all can't group together and say it was a joint fuck up, someone is always right and someone is always wrong. Who decides this we may never know. One thing is for sure, whoever ends up being right will be wrong in three years.
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